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The Pleasing God Podcast

Your weekly episode for Christian growth.

A show focused on helping Christians to think biblically, engage practically, and live faithfully for the glory of God.

Have you ever thought about an issue or an experience you are ​currently facing and wondered what would be pleasing to God? In ​this podcast we tackle real and relatable issues that every ​Christian faces. God’s will for our lives is our sanctification yet ​navigating that in a complex world is not always easy.

In this podcast Jon with special guests, address a variety of ​matter pertaining to Christian living and being faithful. Through his ​experience and education, he helps listeners to think carefully ​about being biblical, faithful, and practical in this, challenging, ​wayward, and uncertain world.

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In our latest episode of the Pleasing God podcast, we dive deep into the complex and often painful subject of disappointment. ​Disappointment is an inevitable part of life, and everyone experiences it at some point. But what if disappointment could actually deepen ​your faith and improve your relationships? This episode provides a biblical framework for managing disappointment and offers practical ​steps to turn setbacks into opportunities for spiritual growth and stronger connections with others.

We begin by acknowledging that disappointment is a universal experience, as established in Genesis 3. The fall of humanity introduced sin ​into the world, and with it, the inevitability of disappointment. Recognizing that everyone is a sinner helps us manage our expectations of ​others, avoiding the pitfall of placing anyone on a pedestal. This is especially important in intimate relationships like marriage. By setting ​realistic and vocalized expectations, we can foster healthier connections and glorify God amidst inevitable disappointments.

Guided by Paul's teachings in Ephesians, we explore how to respond to disappointment without letting it lead us into sin. Paul advises, "Be ​angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil" (Ephesians 4:26-27). This principle can ​be applied to disappointment as well. Disappointment should not be the gateway to negative behaviors such as gossip, bitterness, or malice. ​Instead, it should guide us towards prayer, compassion, and a Christ-like attitude.

One of the practical steps discussed in the episode is the importance of being quick to pray. A disappointed heart and a grieving heart can ​produce some of the greatest prayers. The Psalms are filled with prayers born out of disappointment and grief. Being quick to pray helps us ​process our emotions and align our hearts with God's will. Additionally, we should not conceal our disappointment. Internalizing ​emotions can lead to a buildup of unresolved feelings, much like shaking a soda bottle until it explodes. Expressing our disappointment ​through prayer and talking with trusted confidants can help us release these emotions in a healthy way.

The episode also touches on the danger of placing people on pedestals. Whether it's a pastor, a parent, or a friend, everyone is fallible and ​capable of disappointing us. Elevating people to a faultless status sets us up for greater disappointment. Instead, we should reserve our ​highest admiration for Jesus, who never fails and always exceeds our expectations.

In conclusion, disappointment is an unavoidable part of life, but it doesn't have to lead us into sin or despair. By adopting a biblical ​approach, we can transform disappointment into an opportunity for spiritual growth and stronger relationships. We should recognize ​the fallibility of humans, set realistic expectations, and be quick to pray and forgive. Ultimately, by keeping our eyes on Jesus and ​following His example, we can navigate life's disappointments in a way that glorifies God and helps us finish our spiritual race well.

The Pleasing God Podcast Host and Creative Director

Jonathan Sole


Jon is the husband to Katelyn, ​Father of 5, Pastor, and is ​completing his Doctor of Ministry in ​Applied Theology. His passion is for ​discipleship in the local church and ​helping others to learn, live, and ​love God’s truth. Jon’s most recent ​work, The Books of Scripture can ​be purchased on Amazon.

Katelyn Sole

Creative Director

Katelyn works as the Creative Director and chief editor of the podcast. In addition, she homeschools the children and serves as the music coordinator for the church.

What our listeners have to say

I enjoy listening to the Pleasing God Podcast for many reasons.

First of all, I believe that the content is brought forth in a straightforward, practical manner that all points me to knowing God better and serving Him in my daily walk.

No pretenses, no punches pulled, always drawing me back to God’s word and thus to Him. In a soft plea from thankful hearts to help me in my sanctification that is Gods will for my life, in my marriage, parenthood, and my church as a fellow laborer in Christ.

The wonderful ease of the conversations almost appears to be to just me, like I am in the room participating in the conversation.

Joy filled, challenging, comforting, and encouraging one another to love and good works.

J. Vernon McGee used to say where the “rubber meets the road”, the Pleasing God Podcast is just that, a help in practically applying the word of truth to my heart in daily living when I am so prone to break traction in my own weakness.

Kirk D.

Here’s the question: with so many Christian podcasts, which ones are the best ones to listen to. Many would say Ligonier’s renewing your Mind, Grace To You, and Truth for Life. While all of those podcasts are wonderful with great teaching, there’s one element that’s missing: the real, local church.

Pastor Jon gives real practical advice taken from real biblical principals in a real, local context.

I can’t recommend this podcast enough.

Barrett H.

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The Pleasing God PodCast

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